Avalanche Blockchain and AvaxFi

Avalanche Blockchain Empowers AvaxFi To Become Very Powerful

  • MultiChain Capabilities - The AvaxFi wallet is multi-chain compatible, allowing users to manage all their assets in one place without the hassle of adding and switching networks. Bridges will be available from Day 1 of launch, and will cover ETH, ERC-20 stablecoins, and BTC.

  • Advanced Lending Automation - The AvaxFi protocol aims to improve the efficiency of capital flows, managing several lending pools via the native AVFI token. All lending in AvaxFi is permissionless, trustless, and can be done on any token pairing. The protocol’s governance ensures that the best offers are available and that only the safest oracles are used to determine pricing and rates. Furthermore, the platform offers advanced lending automation for users to identify the most attractive lending opportunities instantly, based on the liquidity available model, utilisation ratio, and borrowing/lending interest rates.

  • Decentralised & Democratic Governance - All AVFI token holders can participate actively in the governance of AvaxFi, voting on proposals and determining the future evolution of the platform. The AvaxFi DAO creates a democratised, open access, and fully transparent financial ecosystem geared to scale globally.

Until now, Ethereum-based platforms like Aave have dominated the DeFi lending space. This is changing fast, as the DeFi market is looking for faster, cheaper, and more scalable solutions. With its unique features, unprecedented capabilities, and embedded scalability, AvaxFi is ready to unleash the new era of DeFi lending.

Thanks to its user-friendliness, and Avalanche superior performance characteristics, AvaxFi is positioned to take advantage in full of this powerful growth trend.

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