The Governance

All AVFI stakers of the platform will be eligible to make proposals and vote on them. General consensus will be required for a proposal to pass. There will be a minimum amount of AVFI tokens to hold to become a member of the governance. Governance members will use a particular internet page to make, view, discuss and vote on the proposals. They will have the authority to decide on a multitude of topics and issues. Lowering or increasing certain limits, issuance of new AVFI tokens, deciding on Treasury spending, deciding on Treasury Composition, deciding on voting procedures, deciding on AVFI airdrop campaigns to reward platform users, deciding on administrators, etc.

Administrators will also have the power to make proposals, but they will have little to no voting power unless they have staked in the AVFI pool. Administrators will ensure the security of the platform and promote and upgrade the platform in all aspects.

Last updated